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School News


Crestwood GCSE Results Success!

Crestwood are delighted to celebrate the success of this year’s Year 11 GCSE and BTEC results.

In spite of the barriers and adversities that they have encountered over their GCSE and BTEC studies our students have risen to the challenge and obtained some fantastic results.

We are pleased to announce that 46% of final grades were grades 7, 8 and 9 and over 50% of students achieved a grade 5 or better in five or more subjects.

Special congratulations go to Madison Perry who attained 7 grade 9s and 3 grade 8s. Ciara Leckey made the most progress in the year group.

We are so proud and pleased that all of the efforts and hard work put in by students has been recognised. This year group have had such a fractured time over their GCSE studies they should be rightly proud of their achievements.

Well done everyone and good luck for the next stage in your educational journey!

Headteacher, Caroline Sutton

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